Getting Started

Easy Notes

Landing Page Template for Notes with Integrated Mini Notion-like Editor (Micro SaaS)

Why Should I Use This Template?

Straightforward landing page template for a notes application. This template includes a Mini Notion-like editor, tailored for Micro SaaS projects. It's built with current technologies, featuring a clean, modern design that's straightforward to adapt and use. Here's why this template is a great fit for your needs:

  • Save Time: Save over 100 hours of work with a ready-made template.
  • No Learning Curve: No need to learn complex animations or advanced setup.
  • Easy Customization: Easily configure and make changes to match your brand.
  • Quick Start: 1-click download and straightforward setup process.
  • Fast Updates: Update text and images in under 5 minutes.
  • Seamless Deployment: Deploy live to Vercel in just a few steps.


  • Header Section
  • Hero Section
  • Testimonial Section
  • Call To Action Section
  • Notion Like Note Editor
  • Footer Section
  • Mobile Responsive Navbar

Tech Stack

ReactNext.jsShadcn UITailwind CSSMagic UI

Quick Setup

  1. 1-Click Download and Setup: Get started instantly with our easy setup process.
  2. 5 Minutes to Update: Quickly update text and images to match your brand.
  3. Deploy to Vercel: Easily deploy your site live with Vercel’s seamless integration.

Get started today and bring your website to life with minimal effort and maximum impact!

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